Founded in 1961 by Jean-Pierre Rosnay
in order to
"render poetry contagious and inevitable"
because it is "the anti-pollutant of mental
the counterweight and the antidote for an existence which
tends to turn us into robots",
the Club des poetes has "many strings in its lyre":
* It is a place for presentations
* It is a place for meetings and exchanges
* It is a place open to the world
30 rue de Bourgogne 75007 Paris
Every night (except Sunday) anyone
can come to dine or to have a drink.
Starting at 10 o'clock, actors and singers interpret poems, from
Le Cantique des Cantiques , to young unknown
making the rounds past Villon,
Baudelaire, Rimbaud,
Anna de Noailles, Lorca,
Saint-Pol-Roux, Marina Tsvetaeva,
Desnos, Aragon, Csaire,
As theater
is made to be played, so is poetry above all made to be voiced. A book
is never just a refrigerator where one can interpose notions, ideas, emotions,
sensations, in the intent of sharing them with those whom one loves, or,
in an even more ambitious project with the po po po po po po po po ...
(21 fois) posterity".
Raymond Queneau
Two Wednesdays a month the members of
the Association of Friends of the Club des poetes
get together to share their poetic discoveries. The ACP publishes
the journal "Vivre en Posie"
and edits a collection
poems : the Collection du Club des Potes.
Pablo Neruda
(Chili), Octavio Paz (Mexique), Ma Desheng (Chine),
Ana Blandiana (Roumanie), Mahmoud Darwich (Palestine),
Vinicius de Moraes (Brsil), Georges Schhad?
(Liban), ...
you can never finish quoting poets from all corners of the world
who have come to the Club des poetes.
And when they don't come to us, we go to them.
Le Club des Potes organizes tours in France
as well as internationally and has created delegations in 17 countries.
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